Managing School Crises: From Theory
to Application
Course Description:
Designed to prepare school administrators and all educators for the inevitable crises that occur within schools and/or that effect those in schools, this training reflects the 3 most common phases of a crisis: pre-crisis planning, acute crisis response and post-crisis activities. Special attention is given to the most common pitfalls (those that pose the most threat to school personnel from a liability standpoint) associated with crisis response activities.
Participants of this training are introduced to the CISM framework and specific intervention techniques that can easily be applied within the school setting. These intervention techniques are research-informed and widely recognized for their effectiveness. Participants will be given opportunities to explore the elements of effective crisis management through multiple group activities.
Group Crisis Intervention is recommended as a prerequisite but not required as an overview of intervention techniques will be provided.
Program Highlights:
- Prevalence and nature of school crisis
- Traumatic stress on learning and school milieu
- Major components of crisis management
- Specific goals of crisis intervention and crisis management
- “Standard of Care” as it relates to school crisis management
- CISM as a model of crisis intervention
- Unique role and needs of the building administrator
- Group intervention techniques for school personnel
- Protocol used for large incidents
- Respond to and manage a large-scale incident